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Healthy snacking

Snacking can get a bad rap. It is true that snacking can lead to weight gain and a poor-quality diet, however, the reverse is also true.

Snacks can certainly be a part of a healthy and balanced diet.

In this post, I am going to explain how to include snacks as a part of a nutritious and balanced diet.

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good food vs bad

Good vs bad food

In this post I’m going to explain why there is no such thing as good or bad foods and how this shift in mentality can help your relationship with food.

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Unfortunately, the chocolate industry has a big issue with child labor and not much is being done to end it. In this post I will talk about what Tony’s Chocoloney is doing to solve this problem as well as how chocolate can be a part of your diet.

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Should I have breakfast?

Breakfast is the first meal of the day, and, debatably the most important. In this post I am going to explain the reasons why it is a good idea to have breakfast, what to do if you’re not hungry in the mornings and list some healthy breakfast ideas.

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