The site and me

Welcome to Fitness Unpacked!

Thank you for visiting! I created this site to help you make informed decisions about your health. I believe that health and fitness should be accessible to everyone and I am so glad that nowadays we have the ability to reach many people so easily. With that, there is also a lot of misinformation out there. As a final year nutrition and dietetic student, I want to use my knowledge to clarify some of those nutrition concepts that have been twisted and made eating so much more complicated. Look out for posts with tips on eating healthy, staying active to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

About me

My name is Emily and I am a personal trainer, triathlete, and a final year nutrition and dietetics student. I am interested in nutrition because I find it amazing how food can impact our lives and have a role in preventing diet related diseases. I also find the science behind nutrition interesting and want to share the incredible world of nutrition in a way that will help you. I have been a group fitness instructor for almost 3 years and I started personal training this year. I myself have always done competitive sports. From a young age I competed in gymnastics and after that I transitioned into triathlons. While gymnastics and triathlons are quite opposite, I have enjoyed my experience in both and have learnt so many things about the body, the mind, and discipline.

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